Monday, November 06, 2006

Welcome to MissionCrossRoads!

The express purpose of the MissionCrossRoads blog is to provide a place for pastors, church leaders, mission leaders and international workers to ask questions, glean information, raise issues, and gather resources related to the local church and missions. My hope is that we all will become more effective in the preeminent responsibility of the church--to glorify God by being obedient to the great commission. All that the church does, our fidelity to sound, Biblical theology, our worship, our ministries, all we do is to lead the church toward spiritual maturity in order to faithfully and effectively follow hard after our Lord's words to take the gospel to the uttermost--the last, most distant or extreme--part of the earth (Acts 1:8). The mission of the church is not fulfilled until this task is completed. You are invited and encouraged to start/participate in any discussion that is of interest to you. If I may be of service to you in your international ministry endeavors, please contact me at Blessings! pat howell


Jonathan Moorhead said...

Pat, you are linked up over at TMS Alumni. I look forward to your contributions.

As for the Moorheads, we are working towards moving to Samara Russia next Fall. We are currently making contacts for support. It looks like Paul Lamey's church in Huntsville, AL will be our sending church.

Pat Howell said...


I recommend that some time after establising oneself in a new ministry, an evaluation of the church's philosophy of ministry--and philosophy of international ministry.

If you want to contact me, I can begin a dialogue with you and perhaps forward some helpful materials to you.

Also, as we begin The Expositors Seminary we anticipate equipping and sending out men who will need to be well networked with likeminded churches. Perhaps we can keep in touch in that regard, too.

Write me at

Warm Regards,


Caleb Azure said...


Great idea to launch this blog. I know that you have helped me in my thinking about missions and the church and I look forward to checking in to see what else I can glean! It was good to get an update on your family as well. We miss you all and look forward to seeing you again.

P.S. Big game coming up this Sunday--well I guess only if you are a Packers or Vikings fan:)
